Singer / Songwriter night @ Lofty Pigeon
Details coming soon!
Organized by Scott Stein and happening at Lofty Pigeon Books.

The Journey Home
A new song cycle based on the poetry of Irena Klepfisz, at Barbes Brooklyn!

Fowl Play: Conference of the Birds
Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre (CAMT), under the direction of Vit Horejs, performs "Fowl Play" an original puppet rock opera inspired by Farid us-Din Attar’s 12th century Sufipoem “The Conference of the Birds,” as re-told by contemporary illustrator and author, Peter Sis. In the story, a flock of birds seek their leader in vain. Performers will portray the birds on their quest over mountain ranges, through deserts and forests. Puppets, objects, and costumes will be designed in the style of Sis's colorful illustrations; and include feather boas, scarves, flags, flowers, banknotes, traffic tickets, dry leaves, newspapers, political and sales flyers, plastic bags, cans & bottles.
Original music composed by Avi Fox-Rosen, and Avi performs live in the piece music directing the band.
Get your tickets here at https://www.lamama.org/shows/fowl-play-2024

Basya Schechter and Avi Fox-Rosen’s Khumesh Lider @ CBE
Basya Schecter & Avi Fox-Rosen present Itzik Manger’s Khumesh Lider
Concert length new musical settings of Manger’s Yiddish poetry.
With Yoshie Fruchter, Kaia Berman-Peters, Shai Wetzer, Eleonore Weill
Wednesday April 17th
Doors @ 7pm, Music @ 7:30pm
$18 [link to purchase coming!]
CBE Chapel
274 Garfield Place
Brooklyn NY 11215
Co-produced by:
Basya Schechter and Avi Fox-Rosen
Borscht Beat Records